A call?

Dylan's POV...

"Yah. I didn't want to say I like you...it's just. it's just because... I didn't realise I was thinking out loud."

I tried to suppress the smile on my face. No, I will not smile though today is like a festive day for me. Directly or indirectly.. she said she likes me. I realised dazedly. She meant it, right? It's not a dream, right?

My thoughts were dissolved and I stopped trying to make sense of anything. It had to be a dream, yet my senses insisted it was real. It certainly felt like a swoon, my legs felt numb, my heart beating fast with hundreds of butterflies sending to my stomach.

"Ugh. I'm crazy." Tiara groused, scratching her head. She wasn't angry but embarrassed. Her cheeks have turned red already, she wasn't even daring to look into my eyes. "Yah... Listen... don't think..."