You taste the sweetest

Tiara's POV...

"Woah, I didn't know Mrs Nelson is here." A guy, who introduced himself as the assistant director said while shaking hands with Dylan. I was standing beside him like a polite lady. But who knows, my politeness can be ruined too fast if she, I mean that Lena tries to do anything silly with my husband.

She didn't come here to him, didn't even look at him once. She just placed her cake on the table and stayed silent. I know why! Because I was here all the time beside him.

But the one thing that bothered me was... all the time, she was stealing glances at me and whispering something to the woman beside her with a kind of wicked smile on her face.

What the hell?

"What is she thinking?" I wondered but didn't want Dylan to hear that. But he did.

"Who?" He glanced at me and then moved his gaze to the direction where my eyes were fixed. "Lena? Come on, she is a manager."

"Yeah." I nodded, but couldn't convince myself yet.