
Tiara's POV...

Zipping up the luggage, I took one last lingering glance around the room before I hauled it up and pulled the luggage out from the walk-in closet. My steps stopped when I saw Dylan standing at a side, gaze fixed at me. His eyes had frozen over like the surface of a winter puddle, robbing them of their usual warmth.

I didn't want to get softened now. I quickly averted my gaze to avoid seeing the pain that was clouding his eyes. "I have called dad already. The driver will come to pick me up." I felt Dylan clenching his hands, swallowing hard.

Taking a deep and sharp breath, I spoke again. "You... take care." With that, I pulled the luggage, walked past him to make my way towards the door.

But before I could do so, Dylan reached out, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly from behind. "Don't go." He pleaded, his voice urgent and anxious.