To her

Dylan's POV...

I closed my eyes as a long exaggerated sigh escaped my lips. "Lena!"

"Yes... sir!" Lena shuttered, looking at me with a frightened expression.

"How many years have you worked with this company?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open.

"Five... years." She replied, clenching her hand onto her skirt, trying to stop her hands from trembling. She was afraid of my cold, dark gaze and, harsh manner but I really don't care. My blood was boiling inside and I couldn't help it anymore.

I grabbed the file in front of me and threw it on the floor. "A Secretary who has worked with this company for such a long time gave me a rubbish report that I think a five years old kid can do a better job. Should I blame you or should I blame myself for being an idiot?" My voice was almost loud as thunder.