I love you

Dylan's POV...

I was sitting in the bedroom calmly when I heard Tiara stepped in. She was holding some clothes when she came to me. "These are my father's clothes. A shirt and a sweatpant. This is... new." She said, handing me the clothes and also the new underwear.

"This is the best I can do. I hope you don't mind." She cleared her throat.

I shook my head as I took the clothes from her. "Where is your father? Did you wake him up?"

She shook her head. "He is sleeping in his room and his luggage is in the living room. I found these clothes there."

"Oh. I..." Just when I wanted to say further, my sentence was cut off with a loud sneeze.

Tiara looked at me with a worried gaze as she pushed me towards the bathroom gently. "You are all wet. Quickly go and take a hot shower before you get sick. The bathroom is outside this room. Everything necessary is in there. Be very quiet, don't wake anyone up." She warned.