Follow my lead

Tiara's POV...

"Dylan. Where are we going?" I asked Dylan, looking outside through the glass of the car. I don't know anything but I am sure that the car was not heading towards our home.

He maintained a straight face and didn't bother to reply to me as if I was no one or just an invisible human. He is behaving like an arrogant pig now.

"Yah. Answer me." I glared at him and that made him chuckle silently. "You will know it soon anyway. Why are you shouting?" Whenever he stays calm, he looks extra hot and it makes me want to jump onto him. But no. Control, Tiara.

Okay, I can control. But I can not stop staring at him. "What again? Am I looking too delicious?" He sneered.

"No. Not at all." I squinted. This guy has something on me. He always knows how to make me smile. I was crying like a baby there and he pulled me in his arms. Then every single pain flew away. He has his magic on me.