
***Tessa's POV***

"It started from the day when Ash told me he likes you. I was so mad." I said. That day I turned into a monster. Anger was burning inside me to make her fall down. Anger blinds people, it makes people reckless.

Tiara stared at me without blinking her eyes for a while before she let out a soft chuckle. "So.. you did that to me just because he liked me and not you?"

I shook my head. "No. The day before that happened to you, I was sitting alone in the park near our home when our uncle came to me. He asked if I was sad… I told him that I hate you. And the first thing he asked me was if I want to punish you or not. I said yes and he said he will punish you because mom died because of you."

"What?" I felt her voice shook as she queried in disbelief.