The Brunch

"You accepted to what?"

My best friend was staring at me in disbelief. I almost laughed at her ridiculous face. Her jaw was almost touching her ribcage.

"I know, I'm such an idiot," I sighed in despair and took a dramatic sip of my midday mojito. Sabrina was still staring at me like she wanted to throw me off the balcony.

"You could've at least thought over it first!" She stabbed her pancakes and tore through them aggressively. "I'm kind of offended that you didn't talk with me about it first."

"I didn't think it was that important," the sip of coffee that followed my nonchalant shrug warmed my throat nicely. Ridiculous of me to drink coffee and alcohol at the same time, but I was one to welcome my options.

"Not important? Amaria that's your ex! Who you were madly in love with! Who broke your heart!" Sabrina got louder and louder by the end of each sentence. "And if you think you can get out of whatever situation you're walking into unscathed, you have a big reality check coming your way."

I stared at her quietly, the guilt eating at me inside quickly. Sabrina seldom got so angry that she raised her voice, but I understood where she was coming from.

"I understand, but it's not a big deal! I learned my lesson and I'm over him," Sabrina immediately opened her mouth, and I held my hand up to interrupt her. "I'm a grown woman, Sabrina, I know what I'm doing."

My best friend leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. I could tell she was glaring at me from behind her sunglasses. Sabrina sighed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I trust you," I smiled gratefully at her. She only wanted what was best for me. "But for goodness sake, don't sleep with him."

I rolled my eyes dramatically, almost wanting to cuss her out for her ridiculous idea. Who did she think I was? "Shut up, Sabrina. I would literally never."

"Sure, says the woman who would be—"

"Shut the hell up," I snapped, looking around pretty obviously. It's not that I was trying to keep the fact that I used to sleep with my boss a secret, it's the fact that I was trying to keep everything about him and I from my past a secret. Speaking of secrets out loud in New York was a suicide mission.

Sabrina was laughing at me while she held up her middle finger at me. Honestly, she could be so childish sometimes. It was hard to believe she was older than me. "Fine, I won't say another word about your steamy, passionate, mouth watering se—"

"Sabrina!" I raised my sunglasses so I could glare at her properly. My best friend smirked at me evilly, raising her mimosa glass as if she were toasting to me. "I can't believe you."

"Believe it, darling. If you don't have any will to talk about your hot past sex life, I'll just tell you about mine," This piqued my interest. Last Sabrina had told me, she and her boyfriend were exploring with an open relationship. I had always been more conservative than Sabrina, but I never judged her for her choices. She was a grown woman, and Sabrina had always been a free spirit. As long as she wasn't hurting anyone, I had nothing less than my complete support to give.

"Oh, what's happening there?" I sipped my mojito and slid my shades back down to the perfect placement for my eyes. Sabrina sighed and placed a strawberry into her mouth, chewing solemnly.

"You know how I've been completing weekend gigs at Chantilly?" I nodded. "Someone came in and attended the glass room. Apparently she liked my DJing and wanted me to do a private gig at her house the next day. This woman is loaded. And I mean, loaded."

"Okay..." my eyebrows drew together, waiting for her to continue.

"I went and ended up screwing her brother," she ripped through her stack of pancakes again and chewed on the deliciousness. "And now I don't know what to do because it wasn't just regular fucking."

I stared at her wide eyed. "Yikes."

"I told Luke and he said he needs time to think," she sighed, looking kind of devastated. My mouth opened, but as I was about to say something, she beamed at me. "On the bright side, now I'm free to find a date for you! I was swiping through tinder and I found this really cute firefighter that I think you'd absolutely love to go on a date with. I was going to tell him about you, but I wanted your approval first."

"Wait, pause, rewind. You and Luke are on a break?" Sabrina and Luke being apart was basically unheard of. The two had been at the hip for years and I was positive that they would end up spending the rest of their lives together. Sabrina said that she had no intention of marrying Luke, but I could see that he was absolutely smitten with her, and even though she ran wild and did as she please, I knew that she would leave everything to be with him.

"Not exactly. We're just not talking at the moment."

"Oh, Sab..." I grabbed her hand and gave her a sad smile. Sabrina was hurting inside, I could tell. "I know Luke, Brina. He'll come to his senses soon."

Sabrina smiled back at me, and I really thought we were having a heart to heart, but her phone screen coming in front of my face proved me wrong. "Okay but how cute is this fireman?"
