The O (pt. 4)

"Emma," I decided to step in by shooing the men out of the kitchen so I could have a word with my sister and try to calm him down. "Are you okay?" 

"Of course I'm not okay! I just found out my husband could possibly be cheating on me! How could I be okay!?" She stabbed the parfait aggressively and shoved the spoonful in her mouth. 

My lip found its way between my teeth as my moral compass began a war with my cruel humanity. Did I want to fan the flames and tell her about the images that had been sent to me? Or did I want to protect Emma as much as possible? If she heard it from me, she wouldn't take it well, but better she heard it from me than not at all, right? Also if I didn't tell her, she'd probably start thinking that she was going crazy. 

"Do you want my honest opinion?" The question was mostly to test her receptiveness and determine whether or not it was safe to drop the bomb. No doubt the rift between my sister and I would widen even more.