The Marital Gamble

(Jason's POV)

Amaria gave me a smirk and disappeared into the living room, presumably to grab the deck of cards. She was a mysterious woman and it drove me crazy not knowing what she was up to. Nothing I could come up with seemed to be the proper explanation for her plans. 

"Here we are," she placed the deck on the counter and finished placing a chair behind her to sit. No emotion betrayed her face. Not even a little mischievous smile. "Go on then, shuffle the cards. I need a drink." 

I grabbed the deck and began to shuffle them with the value faces away from me. She stepped back and opened the refrigerator to pull out an aloe vera drink. Amaria loved those, she said they were very refreshing. 

My eyes were trained on her movements as I continued to shuffle the cards, and they didn't stray when I began to cut the deck. Amaria was watching my hands intently, almost like she was ignoring my face on purpose. "There. What are we playing?"