The Talk

The doorbell ringing caught my attention and I went to the door to see what was happening. As soon as my hand twisted the handle and pulled open the door, a smile lit up my face. "Lieutenant Colonel Sparkplug!" I squealed and took him from Helena's hands. "Oh my baby, I missed you!" 

Helena, the doll that she was, wanted to take him off my hands for the day once she found out that I was going to lunch with Sabrina. When I told her Jason was back, she suggested the little cutie spend the night with her. She had grown just as attached to him as I had. 

"He is such a well-behaved puppy," Helena smiled, "he had no problem exploring the house and finding new things."

"Awww," I placed a kiss on his little head and almost died when he wagged his little tail. He was at the stage where he was walking everywhere and exploring everything. "Thank you for taking care of him."