The Beta Process

"See, what I don't like is how you're just treating this like it's every day gossip. You need to be angry!" 

"Anger isn't good for my babies, Helena." 

"Okay but maybe just a little bit of indignation? Come on, Amaria, this isn't natural. You can't bottle up your feelings!" 

"I'm not bottling up my feelings, oh my goodness!" Everyone had been pestering me about expressing myself. There was nothing to express! "Just let me do what I'm going to do."

"Whatever. You're going to regret holding everything in one day," Helena rolled her eyes and went off to her section of the building. I tucked the papers I had just finished printing under my arm and began to make my way back up to my office. It was Monday, and I had walked into the headquarters building this morning to find that the investigation was already well under way. Mrs. Gilman had taken care of informing me of that herself.