The Hangout

"No way, you told him?" Sabrina was staring at me wide eyed, whereas Helena was looking at me with a smirk on her face. "That must have taken balls."

"Not exactly, it was time he knew. This has been five years in the making and I'm honestly getting tired of revenge. All I want now is to finish this, have my babies, and live in peace."

Seeing Jason and giving him the news had put many things into perspective for me. First, I could not believe that it had already been five years since I first plotted to take him down, and second, I could not believe that it was all culminating now. All the heartache he caused me would not be forgotten. Even though this wasn't exactly what I imagined, being married to him had done more good than harm. At least for me. 

"You never told me, why did you send me the information about Delilah? And Luke? What was that about?"