The Ambush (1)

The doorbell rang, and not even three seconds passed before I was already at the door, knob in hand and eager to see my children. Nikolas appeared with Princeton by the hand, Castille strapped to his front, Brod strapped to his back, and Marq in the baby seat in his other hand. 

"My babies!" I hugged Prince tight and smothered his little face with kisses and squeezed him. "I missed you."

"Mama," Prince gasped. "Mama!" 

I promptly let him go with a sheepish smile, ruffling his curly hair. "Sorry. Come on inside." Pushing open the door wider, both Princeton and Nikolas came inside, smiling widely at me like they had news. "What? What happened?"

"Prince said Kylie's full name last night. She got so excited that she started to cry." Nikolas placed Marq's seat down and began to unstrap Castille from his front to place her in the baby pen.