Chapter 6: A Mandalorian mission

After talking to Darth Bux Darth Vader considered and agreed to him taking alpha and delta, he then Called out with his metallic voice "Serpents squad!" Zeta, Beta, Gamma and epsilon ran up to Darth Vader "Yes, my lord?" they all said at the same time, Darth Vader responded "I am assigning you to Darth Bux, show him your style and then listen to any order given." The serpents responded "Understood" and started leading darth bux to the training room that alpha was in and they started shooting the same targets they were shooting a few days ago, each shot was a kill shot.

Alpha looked in amazement, "h-h-h-how did y-y-you d-d-do that?" Zeta responded, "We trained from birth, anyway Darth Bux meet my squad."

Beta stepped forward, "Beta at your service."

Gamma Followed "Gamma here"

Epsilon stepped in "I'll tend to your wounds"

Then Zeta stands as formally as possible "Zeta here, we have been a squad since the start of the clone wars, we were five Lucky was the fifth he was determined, lucky and wilful, I was proud to stand at his side. he died just before the galactic empire."

Darth Bux analyses them all and agrees to take them along, once Zeta heard him approve of them he said, "as leader of this squad I wish to know where we're going and why." Darth bux looks towards Zeta "We are going to Mandalore to find some rebels known as the spectres" Zeta Thinks, "I haven't heard of the sceptres but if they're rebels then im in", The serpents yell Hurrah! then Zeta asks, "Now how are we going to get there?" Darth Bux Moves his head then responds, "This is how" just as Delta entered, "Sir I have organised a modified Drop ship to take us in." Deltas eyes shot over to Zeta and the other serpents, "Wait are they coming too?" Delta asked, Darth Bux nodded, then Delta started to seem to have an 'Excited fan' Moment, "Holy Sith, I didn't expect that, The most elite squad, With me, on a mission, Oh my…Lord!" Darth Bux started to choke delta who said, "Ok…im…s-s-s-o-o-o-r-r-r-y" as he drops to the floor, "I'll head to the Shuttle." Delta rushes off still slightly excited.

When The serpent, Alpha and Darth bux arrived at the ship Alpha was waiting on the left at the side of the ship they were taking, "Over here Sir!" Delta yelled, Darth Bux, the serpents and Alpha saw him and started walking over to him, they had boarded it then alpha and delta started to fly the shuttle after closing the doors, Darth Bux had yelled out "Take us to Mandalore. The coordinates are 158, 216." Alpha was sitting in the Pilot seat and punched in the coordinates getting ready to go to hyperspace, as he had his hand on the toggle he told the passengers, "Jumping to hyperspace in 5…4…3…2…1…now!" He pushes the toggle forward and the front window showed a blue field with white lines.

"Ok Serpents get ready." The serpents ready their equipment, The last thing Zeta did while preparing was clean and maintain Lucky's DC-17 blaster pistol, Darth Bux had a look at what Zeta was doing and noticed, a four leaf clover and the initial 'L' he turned to Zeta and asked, "What's that?" pointing towards the DC-17 Blaster pistol "Why wouldn't you use the SE-14 Blaster pistol that is supplied?" Zeta turns towards Darth Bux Then looks at the DC-17 he was holding saying, "Because great memories are held in this, it was CT-1A11A aka Lucky's blaster pistol, I was right next to him when he carved it, he was like a blood brother to me, we would always watch each other's back, he was a soldier who did the impossible and survived, I was the one who first called him lucky too, but he died just before the rise and before the empire" Darth Bux looked down to the gun and felt the emotion Zeta had for Lucky and tried to sense him but his vision was cut off from Lucky but a huge power of the light side of the force was coming from Mygeeto it seemed more powerful than the emperor, Darth bux puzzled.

"We're arriving at Mandalore, be ready." They all double checked their equipment and made sure all the ammo is full, Darth Bux turned to the serpents, "Ok I'm going to go down first wait until I comm you to come down, understood?" The serpents yell, "Yes Sir!" Darth bux shouted to alpha and delta, "Keep the ship above the grounds we'll let you know when to land!" Alpha and delta yelled to him "Yes sir", Zeta yelled to the serpents, "Ready Ropes." They all grab the grapple they have at their waist and flick it around the bar near the door, "Hooked on!" They yell to Zeta.

Darth bux goes to get out and then says, "by the way, I don't want them killed, the Mandalorian is my sister, but you must keep the lothalian and the Mandalorian alive at any cost, the Correllian, the Twi'lek, the Lasat, keep alive unless they try to kill you, the droid, I don't care what you do with it, capture would be the better course of action." Darth bux open the door and jumps onto the white dessert like land, he had gone through the outer shell of a weird dome where the dropship was hovering just out of sights, the serpents were ready to jump down in the click of a few seconds.

Darth bux had landed safely with his jetpack, he looked around and in a few seconds he saw a cram white ship clearly modified "The Ghost." Darth Bux muttered to himself, he started walking to it, six people were standing around it.

when he got a hundred metres away they all turned to him, the Lothalian (Ezra) Grabbed a saber hilt and ignited it, the Correllian (Kannan) did the same, the Twi'lek (Hera) readied a blurgg-1120 blaster, The Mandalorian (Sabine) readied two westar-35 blaster pistols, the Lasat (Zeb) readied an AB-75 Bo-rifle, Darth bux looked towards Ezra, his Emerald green blade glowing and said "Can we talk?" Ezra and Kannan hiss, "No" and start running at Darth Bux who yelled into a comm "Now."

The serpents had dropped down and reach the ground in about five minutes their grapple retracted to the grapple mechanism on their hip, they started firing the moment they could, Beta had shot Hera in both knees and hands, Epsilon shot Zeb in the knees and hands, Zeta had shot his only Stun bolt at the droid, then He shot Sabine in the knees and hands they then started firing at Ezra and Kannan who easily blocked the bolts as they ran towards Darth bux, who had his ancient saber out that let out a crimson red blade, he had blocked the attacks Kannan and Ezra did, over time Darth Bux had managed to push them back towards the ghost.

After a few minutes being pushed up close to the ghost, Ezra and Kannan pull their hands down to darth Bux's gut and then a visible wave of energy makes Darth Bux go flying 10 metres back, he drops his saber as Ezra and Kannan crash their sabers and put them back at their hips, Darth bux said "I only wanted to talk." He stood up leaving his lightsaber on the white sandy floor as the serpents sheathed their guns and approached his side.

*Zeta has a flashback/vision*

Fighting alongside his brothers in the clone wars, a jedi had rushed past him slicing any droid in their way, especially the ones about to kill other clones, it snapped to when he heard Order 66 which made him and his brothers shoot down the jedi that were their allies then the last thing he saw was Vader cutting down his brothers and then a vision snapped to the future a saber was slicing down at chest.

*Zetas flashback/vision ends*

He staggered a bit then pulled out Lucky's DC-17 blaster pistol he then aimed at Darth Bux's head, a whisper plays in his head, "Execute…Order…66" his hand shot immediately towards Ezra as his finger slowly moves to pull the trigger, Darth Bux notices and yells, "Zeta Lower your weapon, That's an order!" Zeta pulls his hand down, "What are you thinking?" Zeta responds, "I'm sorry sir but I had specific orders…order 66, I can't exactly stop it we had chips implanted in us from birth, im sorry but an order is an order." Zeta Raises his hand again but instead felt a chip pull out of the back of his neck slowly and not painful, it finally rips out then he feels different, he feels like a normal person, not just another clone, he lowers his weapon and holsters it.

They hear a squadron of tie fighters in the distance getting rapidly closer, then they hear fighter blasters firing the fighter bolts pierce through the dome that surrounded them and were on a striking path towards The spectres until, Darth bux had used force dash to get all the crew as he threw Ezra out of the way a blaster bolt had hit him through the gut, epsilon had tried his best to save Bux but failed, the last thing Bux said was, "everything is as the force wills it, I'm sorry Sabine." His eyes filled with peace as a tear trails down his cheek, Sabine rushed over to him as best as she could and started to cry while gripping his hand tightly while it disappears as if he was Obi-wan Kenobi.

Zeta started to sob, but muffled it while saying, "Epsilon, attend to the wounded." Epsilon ran over to help the Rebels, Ezra walked over to Zeta saying, "You know the rebellion is always hiring, we will get those chips removed and we will avenge your brother." Zeta looks at him then says, "I wish to join the rebellion the empire must pay." He then puts his hand on a button on the left side of the helmet, "Alpha land Down here we may need your help." Alpha responds, "What about Bux, why's he not asking us to?" Zeta responds, Because he's dead."