
Vengeance Is Sweet

I had a good idea about how I could kill large groups of them, but doing so in the city would likely kill me.

So, being reasonable, I did precisely that.

I snuck onto the rooftops, away from any actual aliens. The rooftops didn't have a single Awoken on them watching for danger.

It was clear that at that point in time, humanity had been conquered.

I parkoured across the rooftops, searching for the best spot to vent my rage.

I crossed roof after roof, searching, calculating the enemy casualties, waiting for the best spot.

I found the heaviest trafficked streets and proceeded to toss two grenades onto the square.

I knew those fuckers bled red, I just wanted to watch them bleed, witness their blue bodies tear, observe their terror.

The grenades exploded and I watched in satisfaction as several of the Awoken's bodies turned into flying chunks of flesh that spattered against their hole-ridden companions.

As sweet as that little bit of vengeance was, I knew then that I needed to move.

The blue fuckers immidiately spread out, away from the corpses, and began systematically searching the area.

I sprung up and parkoured back the way I came.

I ran until I was back where I parked the bike and brought the bike to a hill covered by trees.

Why did I select that spot, rather than selecting, say, a bare hill or any tree?

It was easier to snipe from a higher location. I had a wider field of view, I was harder to get to, and I had a clearly planned escape route.

It was perfect.

Or so I thought.

I had about a thousand rounds for my sniper in the ammo boxes I had brought.

I hadn't considered saving my rounds at that time and, in hindsight, it was stupid to not save my ammo.

As they systematically widened their search, I did what I still consider to be smart.

I targeted the furthest aliens from me.

Rather than shoot those close to me, I shot the furthest from me, throwing off their searching, and making them search further away.

It was gratifying to see their confusion through the scope.

I knew that I'd be found if I didn't move soon, so I moved in a large arc towards the city.

While I was picking off the stupid Awoken, I had come up with a plan.

I was going to hijack a ship and try and take over a mothership.

At the time, I didn't know what a mothership was, but I know now. I'll explain why in a second.

Since I had drawn out a lot of the blue fuckers, I had a relatively easy time parkouring across the roofs, picking off the occasional enemy that walked the streets.

Boy, oh boy, did it feel good to watch their blood flow.

I wasn't a chemist then, and I'm not a good one now, so I, at the time, was incapable of manufacturing C4.

I wish I dabbled in explosives before the cataclysm. I could have taken my life and their God's as well.

It was laughably easy to get through their almost unsecured ship hangars.

After all, what alien would want to flee a planet full of free food?

Those hangars were massive, and they did have a few guards, so I had very little time to traverse almost a hundred meters. (almost three hundred thirty feet)

So, rather than risk detection while I was vulnerable, I shot the three guards in their stupid blue chests, incapacitating them.

After that is was a walk in the park for me to board that ship.

But, once on the ship, I had other problems.