"See we're almost late because of you Alisha"
Are you kidding me Zaya I try to help "you and you..." While saying this she looked over to her albino friend who was smiling evilly.
"Oh you cheeky wench your messing with me"
"Oh whatever do you mean"
"Don't make me tickle you again."
"Oh no not the tickles."
"That's it" Alisha said this and then started chasing Zaya into the school, running past the lockers where a teacher happened to be lecturing one of Zaya's classmates. As they passed him he yelled to them "hey no running in the halls young ladies!" They both responded in sync, "yes Mr. Lane" they slowed while they said this.
" Okay I'll see you after school Alisha"
" Hey what about lunch"
"I'm doing extra credit with my lit teacher, remember."
"Oh right your personal lunch with miss vorhees the hottest teacher in the school."
"Is someone jelly?."
" Only a little, mainly cause I'd rather have you."
"Jeez your such dork"
"And you're a tease"
"And What's that mean?"
"Nothing Zaya I'll see you after our classes."
After that Zaya and Alisha parted ways Zaya kept walking through the hall There were only a few stragglers throughout the halls besides her. A couple of the jocks namly ethan and Iza Malthes were amongst them Zaya noticing them started thinking. Look who it is The football twins the school's star players both of them are almost superhumanly athletic and together they can chug more alcohol than the rest of the football team combined. Now that I think about it I wonder if they are like me. I kinda hope not though, they're both dicks so I don't really feel like being connected to them in any way other than we have a few classes together.
"Looking good girl. Fabulously fashioned on the first day. Guess you're already trying to replace that hunk Xander huh." This flamboyant comment was made by the previously mentioned classmate who was being lectured by Mr Lane.
"Not you too Zack my mom said the same thing this morning."
"Your mother is a wise woman z. You should have listened to her more often."
"Are you ever going to stop getting on my case about sneaking out to that party."
"You got so drunk you stripped completely naked, you're lucky I managed to get you out of there before anyone filmed it."
" Yeah thanks for making sure Xander didn't find that out as well, " especially since I was still in bed with him when it happened it was the first time I had done it with someone so I was so excited and exhausted I fell asleep without putting my clothes back on. I mean I wanted to go to that party but not like that. Zaya thought this to herself
"No problem but why did you want to make sure he didn't know. it's not very likely he would've been upset anyways."
"Nevermind that, why was Mr Lance chewing you out."
" Oh you know I tried to ask him out."
"Wait what, he's like fifty."
" Hey what can I say I like a mature man."
"Your eighteen now right so why did he chew you out."
"Because it's against school regulations, so I could lose my job and also I'm straight. Now get to class or you'll both be late."
Zaya looked at Mr Lance thinking I can kinda see why Zack likes him he has a square jaw that matches the shape of his head and his grey hair is accented by what I can assume was his original black hair color which complements his tan peach skin and he has hauntingly blue eyes and now that I look at them both he kind of looks like an older Zack I wonder what that says about him that he wants to date someone so visually similar to himself.
Just like her and Alisha did before. Zack and her spoke in sync responding to their teachers request "yes Mr Lance."
When they got to class miss voorhees was introducing a new student she wasn't wearing any clothes like Zaya's but she looked like she could be her sister and not only because of her being albino there facial structure was shockingly close and her eyes were the same blood red as Zaya's. This girl was repping a short ruffeled hairstyle, a small jean jacket, as well as a Nirvana t-shirt tucked into some ruff looking jeans
"Sit down Mr O'Reilly and Miss Veair, class hasn't started just yet we're simply getting to know our new foreign transfer student miss ianna holesend she hails from rome."
Zaya went to an empty seat in the middle of the front row of the class. Zack had decided to sit to her right. The teacher kept introducing the new student as zaya started to think. This is way too much, all the stuff that happened last night and now someone so freakishly similar to me shows up at school. Ah who am I kidding she probably has nothing to do with last night I'm just being paranoid. After this thought ended in Zaya's head the new girl sat in the chair to her left. Or not, Maybe they sent a shapeshifter after me.
I'm not a shapeshifter. zaya heard this coming from inside her head in someone else's voice.
She looked to the new girl.
Then the same voice spoke in her head again yes I'm talking to you and yes it's in your head. when she heard this she looked away from her quickly like when you get caught staring at someone
Can you please stay out of my head without my permission.
Sure thing but when you want to talk about the new hidden world you found out about last night just think about me reeaal hard and I'll know you want to talk.
The rest of the day was pretty bland for Zaya; she basically tried to power through so she could talk to the only person she could trust that knew about her predicament.
When she went out to the front of the school her best friend was waiting for her by her car.
"Oh my God Alisha we have so much we need to talk about."
"Yeah I know dumb dumb that's why I made you say you'd talk after school."
"No there's something new."
" How the hell did you manage that, wait, does it have something to do with the new girl who looks freakishly like she could be your twin sister.
"Yes I can't tell you why right now but we need to wait to talk till we get to my house."
"Fine get in my car so we can get there I've waited too long already"
" Yes miss bossy ma'am. zaya said this saluting."
"I will tickle you"
"But if you do that it will take even longer to get home"
"You're right I guess you live to not laugh uncontrollably another day."
They got in the car and drove back to their neighborhood dropping off her car at her house. Then they walked next door to Zaya's house. Zaya grabbed her keys from her white and pink backpack and attempted to open the door but she was shaking so hard she couldn't get the key in Alisha noticed this grabbing her by the hand trying to calm her saying
"hey you're going to be okay, I'm here for you."
"Thanks I needed that." Zaya responded after taking a deep breath
"Don't mention it, that's what best friends are for. "
Zaya went back to opening the door feeling guilty knowing deep down that Alisha wanted to be more than best friend's. Successful in unlocking the door this time she opened it to walk in saying, "welcome to my humble abode. "
"Oh stop it it's not like I haven't been here before, anyway are you going to tell me the reason we had to wait to get here to talk. (this was being said while they both walked up to Zaya's room.) Going inside the two sat on the edge of her bed as zaya explained the new situation to her friend.
"Wait so the new girl who looks eerily like you talked to you in your mind meaning she has abilities. Not only that but she knows more than you do about the others that have powers."
"That's the gist."
" I'm not gonna lie zaya it sounds pretty sketchy I would be careful if I were you. But let's put that on the back burner for the moment and let's talk about the ramifications of your underground friends trying to take over the world."
"They are not my friends Alisha they killed me!"
"I know' sorry Zaya I shouldn't have said it like that"
" No I'm sorry I shouldn't snap at you like that when you're trying to help. I'm just so scared I mean they know I'm not truly dead. what if they come for me. What if that girl was who they sent."
After saying this she broke down into tears. Alisha saw this and immediately wrapped her arms around her comforting her saying, it's going to be alright Zaya I'm here,I will always be here, we'll get through this together. After her touching speech. Alisha got on her knees holding Zaya's hands looking her in her eyes saying you Know it's true right. Zaya looked deeply into the best friend's eyes who had been there through thick and thin through all her hard times. Who was the only person she trusted with the secrets she wouldn't tell Xander or even her parents and thought how did I ignore this feeling before.
Suddenly to Alisha's shock zaya had grabbed her and started kissing her. Alisha pulled back and said what are you doing?''
"What do you want me to stop."
Of course not I've been wanting this forever, but are you sure it's what you want. Though instead of giving her an answer she just pulled Alisha back for more.