The Smothering

"Wake up... hey, wake up! You're drooling on my pillows!" A hand was shaking my shoulder violently, effectively disturbing my sleep. A groan left my mouth and I only hugged the pillow tighter to my chest. Who would anyone try to wake me up if I'm knocked out like this? Everyone knew to keep away from me when I was sleeping like a log.

A hand started patting my back harshly, no doubt trying to wake me up. Nothing would work. My body was awake now, but my mind was still in a coma; or so I wished. The only thing that registered was two hands wrapping around my ankles before my body hit the floor, knocking all breath out of my lungs.

My first instinct was to kick my aggressor in the face, and of course, they predicted my move and blocked it. My second instinct was to flip over and sweep low, knocking my aggressor to the ground and grabbing the nearest object to use as a weapon. That nearest object was a pillow, so naturally, there was nothing left to do but smother them.

"What the f— hey! Sto—" whatever they were saying was drowned out by the pillow meeting their face. Admittedly, I was still half asleep and my nerves had gone into shock, so it's not like I wanted to kill someone, that was just my instinct.

Hands gripped my waist and in a second, I was on my back with my arm pinned beneath me. I didn't understand how this manoeuvre was possible but my arms weren't broken, so I had no complaints. Marco was panting above me, eyes all bewildered and his face looked confused. He looked pretty feral, in all honesty. But then again, he probably wasn't expecting me to attack him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He all but yelled in my face. His neck looked red, and there was a vein in his forehead that was doing its cardio.

"Me? What the hell is wrong with you? Who drags someone out of bed by their feet onto the floor like that? You were asking to get your ass kicked," I snapped right back. The weight his big body was putting on my tiny ribs was making it hard to breathe. It was clear to me that he was just making sure I wouldn't take him by surprise and attack him again, but this proximity was a little much.

"So you tried to kill me?"

"I wasn't trying to kill you, it was instinct," my eyes rolled and I began to wiggle around. "And if you'd like to remove your gargantuan ass from the surface of my figure any day now, that would be great."

Marco got up and held out a hand, helping me stand as well. Neither of us said anything as we made his bed together. It was nice to witness him being quiet for once.

"Go take a shower then meet me downstairs in the kitchen. Breakfast will be ready for you."

"You want me to go downstairs in a towel?"

He made a face at me that said I was beginning to get on his nerves. Good, the bastard deserved it. "No, dumbass. I'll have my maid bring clothes and toiletries up to you. You should find everything you need on the bed once you're done."

"Okay," I nodded, fully expecting him to go away once he'd said what he said. Nothing. What was with this guy? "Are you just going to stand there the entire time or are you going to give me privacy?"

"Last time I checked, the bathroom is a private room, unless you were planning to get naked right in front of me," a smirk was beginning to pull at his lips, even though I could see that he was trying to fight it. "I would have to decline, but it's nice of you to consider giving me a show."

"You're a pig," I scowled and pushed past him to get to the bathroom. Who did he think he was? Just because his name was DiBiancci, life gave him no right to speak to me in such a way. I was Katarina fucking Montenegro. The fact that what he said sounded like something I would do gave him no right to think that of me. I would never be caught fraternising with the enemy as long as I was alive. I was here by force, not by choice, and I would continue to uphold my family name as the sworn enemies of the DiBiancci corp forever.