The Art Show

"Have you ever seen such a pompous crowd?" Moira was grumbling, of course, as she always did. Inviting her to the art show as my plus one was not my best feat, but I had no choice after Connor declined because he wanted a go at Nazareth. It was just us girls now and we tried our best to seem interested in the bent scrap metal that was floating before our eyes. Whoever made this was either harbouring a lot of violence, or, wanted to appear like they did.

"Just smile and nod, M," I hooked our arms together and surveyed the crowd, trying to catch sight of at least one familiar face. The gallery was filled with people, but not people I knew. There were a few influencers and art critics in the crowd, along with regular art lovers and pretenders who tried to fake liking art. The person who had invited me, though, didn't seem to be visible. "Oo champagne."