The City of Love (3)

"So what exactly is your plan?" Moira stared at me as she stabbed her spoon into a banana bead ice cream scoop. I sipped my smoothie and stared right back at her, wondering how in the world she was so pretty.

"I'm torn between acting like I work for Katarina and just being a newcomer." My hand came to rest on my forehead. "This is hard."

"But not impossible. You can do both!" Moira smirked and leaned closer. "Act like you owe Kat a debt of honour."

That could work… I saw the logic in it but was still very confused. "What kind of debt would warrant me going to the underworld?" That was like walking into the river Styx to retrieve a bracelet. Fuck that, just buy a new bracelet.

"She saved you from traffickers and asked you to work for her some day." Moira shrugged. "The underworld is your oyster."



"The underworld is my clam."

"Do clams produce pearls?"