The Auction (2)

"Oh my god, I think it is!" Moira leaned forward a bit and cupped her hands around her eyes to take a better look. "What on earth is he doing here?"

"Auctioning, clearly." Connor didn't seem surprised at all, which was suspicious. He just kept looking forward, bored with his arms crossed. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Connor McBride, did you know my cousin was auctioning off people?" Supposedly, in theory, nobody in my close family circle was supposed to be dealing in human trafficking. We didn't even aid in the selling of the people. If my father found out about this, it would be a betrayal and retribution would be given, for sure.

"He might have mentioned something to me. Nothing concrete, though."

"Unbelieveable. All the men around me are liars."

"Except Henri," Moira reminded me. She was right, Henri wouldn't lie to me. Not unless he absolutely had to, of course. "Why isn't he here with us, anyway?"