The Visitors (1)

"Henri, the damn spoon goes in this corner." I took the spoon from his hand and placed it at the corner of the box where the rest of the silverware was. "Everything here is in size! This is a tea spoon!"

"Madame, it goes here." He took the spoon from the corner and placed it in the middle of the box where another empty slot was. "In this order."

"Henri," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Everything else in here is from large to small, you are disrupting the natural order of size within this box right now."

"What are you two fighting about?" Moira sauntered into the room with her long legs on display, looking like a model, even when she wasn't trying to. Especially when she wasn't trying to.

"Henri wants to put the spoons in this order," I showed her where he had placed the spoon. "But this spoon obviously goes here." I moved it to the correct location.

"Actually, that doesn't really seem right. I liked it more the way he had it."