The Visitors (3)

We reached the bar and I allowed them to place their drink orders before me, because that is what a polite host is supposed to do. All their orders were either completely non alcoholic of lightly so, whereas mine was definitely not.

"Sidecar, please."

It was completely not a good idea to drink something strong in the presence of my worst enemy but who could judge? I had a knot in my stomach the size of the Republic of Congo and a lump in my throat like a boulder. I needed liquid courage immediately.

"A little early for a side car, don't you think?" Marco asked me, looking all contrite and benevolent.

I wanted to stab the son of a bitch.

"Time is of irrelevance in my club." I smiled sweetly at him. "Until eight pm rolls around, that is."

"Is that when you open?" Lina wondered, quickly biting her tongue when Marco dug his fingers into her wrist a little too hard. I openly stared at the interaction, prompting him to let go of her hand.

Yeah that's right, you coward.