The Negotiations (1)

As it turned out, The Loft was a modern eatery in mid Manchester city with old fashioned lightbulbs hanging low from the industrial style ceiling and a pretentious open plan roofless patio situation around the back of the restaurant. The décor of the place was minimalistic, using wood tones combined with shiny black floor tiles and marble counters.

Overall, I thought the look of the place was too high strung. The exterior of the building was rundown and dated, but the inside was completely renewed, like a recent face lift on an old crone.

Apparently, to make the whole thing more appalling, it was necessary to dictate reservation numbers to the hostess standing in the foyer of the building.

"How irreverent," Henri muttered the moment we stepped around a table of people eating… something. They were eating something. "No clear distinction between the culture of the food."