The Warehouse (1)

"What did you say in there?" Henri prodded me about my conversation with Marco like a nosy old crone. He was following me back to the elevator with quick steps to match my own, so that he wouldn't miss any details.

"I asked him if we could use mules to distribute." The elevator was thankfully open, since someone got off just as we arrived to it.

"Mules? Like people?" Henri looked confused. "You don't believe in mules."

"Of course I'm not actually going to use mules, I just need him to run a green light so I can get more bodies on my side." I leaned into him so I could whisper. "With any luck, the plan will be rolling at high speeds soon."

"Already?" Henri looked at me, completely ignoring all my hair in his face. "You've only been doing this for six months. For all you know, this could be a trap set by Monsieur DiBiancci."