The Brothers

After my tempting offer to Mr. Salmoud, Henri and I stayed in the lounge for a bit until I started to feel woozy, maybe because the smoke inhalation was giving me effects too.

"Are you alright?" Henri placed a hand on my lower back to help steady me. I'd stumbled a bit and the room felt like a very slow carousel. "Do you need fresh air?"

"Desperately, but we're six floors underground so forget about that." The bright lights of the main party helped ground me a bit.

"What was that back there?" He led me to a table and sat us down. "You basically offered up free merchandise. Marco is going to kill you!"

"This isn't about Marco." I took a deep breath. "This is about me. I'm making headway."

"Are you insane?" Henri turned my head to face him. "You're cutting paper with his product. He's going to find out."

"He won't because we won't be using his product. Not after a while, at least."