The Bummer

"What the hell was that in there? I had my guys ready to intervene." Claudette was staring at me from a plush suede couch, long legs crossed and somehow looking deadly in her heeled boots. My outfit consisted of something similar to hers, but I didn't look half as good as she did.

"Christ, don't fucking ask me, I don't know either." My embarrassment at the way I'd handled myself back at the café was through the roof. "It was like all of a sudden, I wasn't a grown woman anymore. It's not me."

"Did they intimidate you? Because if they did, I can—"

"Shut up Claudette, the only thing they intimidated was my libido." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, getting ready to sulk in my seat. Unbelievable. I was an adult, getting ready to pull off the largest international con of my lifetime and somehow I couldn't keep it straight in the presence of two men flirting with me?

Abuela Montenegro would roll over in her urn.

"You need a boyfriend."