The Ticket

I was officially on a manhunt.

Or at least, I would be once I got my shit together.

When I woke up again after receiving the message in the envelope, I felt rested enough to think that if anything bad was in there, it wouldn't have that much of a stressful effect on me.

Absolutely wrong. I called Francesca as soon as I'd opened the damn thing hoping to get some help and it immediately went south.

"I can't help you this time." She had said quietly. I could hear voices shouting in the background. "Salvador has me leading the search party for Katarina. We're in Barcelona now."

"Who the hell else am I supposed to get on this, then? Nobody can know!" I'd screeched, probably ruining my own plans of secrecy. Paranoia was eating at my nerves and I never did well with uncertainty in the first place.

"My advice, ignore it. You can't win them all and if you go chasing this bait, it'll be the end of your takeover. Keep your head down and be smart, girl."