The Plot Twist (1)

"I'm going to kill him."

"Calm down, Henri."

"I'm going to kill him."

"Oh my goodness, it's been days. I doubt he actually meant anything by it, he probably just wanted to scare me."

"Katarina—" He gripped my wrists where I was securing an earring into my earlobe, looking into my eyes— "He held a gun to your head."

"Not for the first time and definitely not the last. Guess how many times I've down that to my own cousin." I pursed my lips, pushing the back of the stud into the pin. "I already told you I'm going to tell Salvador."

"You're not moving fast enough for my liking." Henri pulled back, hands unconsciously going to the gun hidden under his leather jacket. He looked so badass and mysterious. "Anything could go wrong while you wait."

"You know why I have to." There was no way I could go up to my father looking like I was. He'd never believe me, even if I could prove it.

"I know, but you're putting yourself in too much danger. Look at what you're doing now!"