The Claim

"Are you high?" Richie's fingers tangled in my hair, pulling my head back toward the ceiling so he could get a better look at my eyes. I smiled lazily at him, draping both arms over his shoulders with a slow nod.

"Richie, you're the only highlight to my days anymore. Where have you been?" I crawled onto him, pressing the insides of my knees to his hips as I sat on his thighs to look at his face. The man let go of my hair and smoothed his thumb over my cheekbone affectionately. It was enough of a touch that it would've fooled me into believing he liked me as more than a toy if I hadn't been wise enough to be sceptical.

The touch was too familiar and it made my heart hurt. Discreetly flinching away from his hand, I rested my forehead on his, keeping my arms where they were and making eye contact.

"I had a job. Sorry to keep you waiting, doll."