The Reunion

The gasp startled a scream out of me, in turn making the person who'd gasped scream back. I jumped around, instantly on high alert, only to find Moira beside the door with a hand to her chest, staring at me wide-eyed.

"What the hell? You're not dead too, are you?" If she wasn't dead, then I really was stuck in a hallucination that I couldn't get out of, and I didn't know which one I would've preferred.

Obviously the first one.

"I'm not dead. You were about to be, though." She wandered further into the room like she was nearing a wounded animal, scared I'd lash out. "How do you feel?"

There was something like a mix of fear and misery that slid down my spine like a cold eel as my dumb little brain slowly came to terms with everything.

If Moira wasn't dead and I wasn't either, then I was still hallucinating.