The Something That Came Up (1)

"I imagine this is what the inside of the Easter bunny's bowels look like." Marco's face had pinched into a tight scowl of disgust. "Why is there so much pink?"

"Because it's a pastel coloured holiday, Marco. Your dislike for such a money-oriented holiday is a huge red flag."

"That's the only green I'll tolerate during any of the holidays."

"We decorate for Saint Patrick's Day and Holi, too," I tacked on, shrugging when he made a face.

"What about Eid?" The question was meant to be sarcastic, I could tell, but like always, my moves were better than his.

"My manager's Muslim, I would be a total dick if I didn't include them."

"For fuck's sake." Marco scowled down at me. It was really unfair that he towered over me, even in my heels. "You expect me to come here for every holiday and festival party every year?"