The Comedown (Marco)

I have a brother. I have an older brother.

The numbness of shock wore thinner and thinner the more I turned those words over in my head. I had an older brother.

I didn't know to to feel. Excited wasn't the word I was looking for and neither was happy. Weariness had me looking back at the pictures of him and comparing ourselves. We looked alike. We looked like our mother.

Santo Dio, I have a brother.

"Holy shit."

I looked at the pictures of Saverio's father next. A civilian. That bit had me clicking my tongue in annoyance and frowning down at the image in my hands.

My mother knew better than to get mixed up with someone who wasn't from our world. The mafia didn't forgive, and neither did its enforcers. I doubted the poor fool had even known she was a mafia princess, much less the bride-to-be of the Don. If he had, he probably wouldn't have gone near her.