The Tree Hugging

The rough tree bark bit into the soft skin of my back and arms as I used it for leverage to push my hips up against Marco's wicked mouth. The man planted big hands on my hips and pushed them back down to where he wanted them, my dripping sex mere inches away from where I wanted it.

His lips glistened with my arousal as he smirked up at me, kissing the scars on my inner thighs, the smooth skin of my knee, my calf… everywhere his lips touched, heat bloomed and it drove me crazy.

"So sensitive." His hot breath washed over my pulsating flesh and he watched as I clenched around nothing, aching for him, swelling to the point of discomfort. "What do you want?"

"To cum, sir." My voice was hoarse from the strain of fighting to keep quiet. I took in the red stripes marking my body with a sense of pride.