The Game

"What are you doing here?" I glanced up at Andreya, then back at the table where our hole cards were dealt.

A queen and a jack.

"I came with Selare." She nodded toward the other side of the room, where my headman was standing at a craps table. "But I'm not here for you. I'm here for them."

My eyes followed where she was looking, over Marco's shoulder, to see Jason and Amaria Greene speaking to someone I knew for a fact was Saverio's ally.

Could civilians ever stay out of trouble?

"What are they doing here?" The timbre of my voice betrayed my alarm, and I forced my focus back onto the table. "Check."

"Raise." Andreya pushed a small column of chips toward the centre of the table. "They were invited by Saverio himself."

I kept my eyes on the flop, then glanced around the table for any tells. One of the players was a complete novice, giving away their nervousness with shifty eyes.