The End Of A Chapter (Marco)

Katarina stalked forward at that moment with a low laugh, gun in hand, keeping her eyes trained on Rolando with a sense of peace surrounding her that didn't match the situation. She didn't flinch when he raised his gun and she didn't pause her strides when he cocked it either.

"Stand down," I ordered my men with a lump in my throat.

"Such vile accusations from a vile little traitor." Her voice carried a lilt of amusement as she came to a stop beside me. "I've dreamt of this moment many times, tío."

She was a haunting sight under the light of the fluorescents. Her hair, pulled up at the back of her head, had loose tendrils that framed her face, the only testament to any physical struggle she might've encountered on her way here.

Katarina looked me over from head to toe, and I felt drowned under her gaze, struggling with the desire to wrap her legs around me and take her until she couldn't breathe anything more than my name.