The Thing That Changed Everything


Katarina slumped in my arms, passed out. With one arm around her shoulders, I snuck the other beneath her legs and hauled her up, making my way toward the door.

She felt heavier than I remembered, but all I could think about was getting her home, helping her destress and trying to convince her to give us a chance again.

I was in deep. Way too deep to swim my way out. It was impossible.

"Marco!" Elena snapped her fingers in my face, bringing me out of the haze I was in. Mac rushed up to us, looking pale and terrified.

"What happened?" He demanded roughly, taking her from my arms without waiting for me to hand her over.

"She had a panic attack." Because of me. "We need to get her home."

"Merde, something could have happened to the baby!" He turned around and ran right off, cradling Katarina to his chest so he wouldn't drop her.

I was frozen stiff. A statue.

What baby?