Chapter 4 : Dumb but loveable woman.

Alexander's eyes. opened wide because of his shock. He never expected Paula to be this daring and do this which caught him off guard.

Feeling her soft lips on his, her fragrant breath along with her warm hands wrapping around his neck, Alexander can't help but become intoxicated and his body began showing reaction. ' Damn it! ' He cursed in his mind.

At this moment, he want nothing more than to push this very seductive woman under him and ravish her hard. But he knows that he can't do that so he tried his best to stop. With all his experience in his 18 lives combined, Alexander managed to maintain his clarity.

With a great determination, he put his hand in Paula's shoulder before pushing her away and said, " I'm sorry Paula but... we... shouldn't do this. "

Hearing that, tears continue flowing from Paula's eyes as she looked at the man in front of her and asked, " Why? Why are you always like this Alex? Why can't you accept me? Am I ugly? "

" Ugly? What part of you is ugly? You are so beautiful. No. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in this life! "

" Then... then why? Why can't you accept me then? Why? Do you have someone you love already? "

" I don't have time for that. And if I have a chance to do that, I'll definitely choose you stupid woman! "

" Huh? Who are you calling stupid??! If that's true, then why? Why can't you accept me?? "

" Because it's unfair for you! You deserve a better man than me. I don't want you to regret this after I'm gone! "

" You...!!! You don't have the right to decide what I'll regret and not Alex! I'll do what I want. And right now, I want you to take me. So take me! "


Alexander can't help but become speechless after hearing that. He didn't expect this beautiful woman in front of him to be more unreasonable than him.

" No. I can't do that Paula. "

Paula ignored his words as she started removing her clothes making Leon see a glimpse of her underwear covering her two big and beautiful white rabbits. She's now wearing a white dress so she can easily removed it if she want but before she could do that, Alexander stopped her.

" Stopped it Paula. Don't do this. Please? "

" Coward. " said Paula as she removed his hands on her and started to stand up. She then turned around and started walking towards the door.

She then opened the door and without turning her head around, she said, " Believe me Alex. After I went out of this door, I'll seduce the first man I'll see there and do it with him. "


Silence enveloped the entire room after she said that. Even after waiting for around five minutes, Paula still didn't get any reply from him which made her felt miserable and dissapointed.

" Coward. I hate you! " she said as she was about to run outside but before she can take a single step, Paula suddenly felt two arms wrapping around her waist completely stopping her and soon, she found herself being princess carried by Alexander towards his room.

* Bam! *

Alexander heavily closed down the door and locked it before throwing Paula on his bed. He then started removing his clothes and without saying anything, he pushed her down and started kissing her deeply.

Sounds of moaning and extreme ecstasy soon enveloped the room after that. If not for the room being soundproof, the sound of them might have woke Princess up.


After 3 hours, Alexander and Paula was now lying on the bed hugging each other.

Paula has a satisfied smile on her face as she cuddled closer to him feeling his warmth.

" Thank you Alex. "

* Sigh *

" Why did you do this Paula? All this time, I always believe that you're a smart woman but it turns out that you are so stupid. "

" * giggles *. Really? But I don't think that way. I believe that this is the smartest thing I did in my entire life Alex. Seducing you like this and giving you my body is something I'll never regret. After all, you're the only man I ever dreamed to be with. I just didn't expect that you're a beast Alex. You've drained me completely especially that part. "

" Don't act dumb Paula. I'm quite sure that by now, you already realized that I don't have much time left right? Can you tell me why you still did this? "

" Hmmp! You're no fun Alex. Tell me, how long you still have? "

" Less than 5 days. "

" That... that short? "

" Mn. Why? Regretting no-..aahh! Stop biting me Paula! "

" Hmmp! That's what you get for talking nonsense. I will never regret this. Tomorrow, I'll bring you to the hospital and see the best doctor. I'm sure they can help you. " said Paula in a determined tone. Her expression showed that there's no room for negotiation.

Seeing her like that, Alexander kissed her on her forehead before hugging her tightly and said, " Let's not do that. It's just a waste of time. I will go and see attorney tomorrow and transfer everything I have to your name. After that, I'll spend the rest of my time with you and Princess. We can go to wherever places you want. We can't waste any second just to see the doctor. "

" No Alex! I won't agree to that. I told you, I don't care about your money. Let's go and see the doctor tomorrow to check you up. Who knows, thy might be able to extend your life. You shouldn't give up like this. " Paula stubbornly replied. She didn't know why Alex was behaving like this.

Hearing what she said, Alexander once again shook his head before saying, " You don't understand Paula. I'm not sick. If we see the doctor tomorrow, he/she will say that I'm completely fine and healthy at this moment. So there's no point in coming there. "

" Really? Then... then that means you're completely fine right? Right? "

" That's right. I'm completely fine. At least... for the next four more days. "

" Huh? I don't get you Alex. What... what do you mean about that? "

* sigh *

" Paula, do you believe in God? "

" Of course I am. Why did you asked? "

" Then, do you believe that a dead person can return back to life? " asked Leon once again.

His question made Paula confused.

" That... isn't that a bit.... unbelievable? Why are you saying this to me now Alex? You....!! "

" That's right Paula. Believe it or not, I died this morning after I picked up Princess from her school. "


Silence once again enveloped the entire room. Alexander can feel Paula's body trembled heavily before hugging him as tight as she can. Not long after that, he felt her tears on his chest telling him that she was crying. No. Wailing silently.

" You believe me Paula? "

" * sniff * Mn. I can't think of any reason for you to lie. Besides, we already did all of this so you don't have any reason to lie on me. I.. it's... unfair. "

" Eh? Are you dumb Paula? You believe something as bullshit as that? "

" Mn. * sniff * I'm indeed dumb. The fact that I fell for you proves that. * giggles * You're not even handsome. Perhaps I'm just blind. "


" You're not just dumb Paula but also weird. You can still joke around after hearing all of this? You... I... thank you for existing Paula. Thank you for everything. I... love you so much. "

Alexander said this words in an emotional tone. This was his sincerest feelings at this moment. It's also the first time his determination wavered. At this moment, he wanted nothing more than to live with this woman and his daughter forever.

" * giggles * Tells me you love me one more time Alex. I want to hear it more. "

" I love you. "

" One more time. "

" I love you Paula. "


Paula then asked him to say those words to her for almost hundred times.

" One more ti-...mmhmmp! "

Paula wasn't able to finish what she's saying when Alexander sealed her lips with his and kissed her deeply.

" I'll just show you how much I love you Paula. " he said before going on top of her once again and began kissing her.

Paula didn't say anything and just wrapped her arms around his neck and fully accepted him.

Moaning sounds once again echoed inside the room after that.


Thank you.1