Chapter 3

Days passed, then weeks, then months...

'System...can I speed up time? At this rate, no one will progress for decades if not centuries...'

The main reason why I want some time to pass is so I don't rise suspicions in the future because think about, if everything was suddenly learned all in the span of a short time then historians/scientists in the future will begin raising suspicions towards why humanki-...the races learned multiple things all at once in the span of a year.

So, I wish for a few years if not centuries to pass before I teach anything else so to make it seem like everything was learned naturally through history.

Of course, you may think that I am paranoid, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

[You can always increase your Perspective of Time, for example, you can make it to where an hour for you is 10 years in the world]

'Oh? That's definitely useful! Please do so then.'

I immediately noticed a change, everything I was watching moved incredibly fast, but to my surprise, I still could keep up with everything even at this speed!


Before I even knew it 7 days passed and more than 1,500 years passed on my now-named-world, Titan.

I watched countless tribes fall and rise with the knowledge I gifted begin to spread across hundreds of different tribes.

Another thing I found out is that I can still earn points for teaching the same thing I have taught before, which has greatly helped me in gaining HP.

Soon another Millennium passed and most tribes whether nomadic or not knew how to make themselves Stone Tools, hunt, fish, and even properly skin animals.

I would say that about 65% of the Global Population is still Nomadic with the remaining 35% forming small 'Villages' which are typically just a few thatch huts or a cave-dwelling.

Most families I was familiar with when I first got here have long since perished from various things like Age, disease, animals, and even other tribes.

It's really a Dog eat Dog world right now where tribes fight each other constantly with few tribes actually prospering from these fights.

Seriously, a simple wound here could mean the death of them!

Not to mention with most races not even living past 25 years...

Out of all the species, Elves were the race that lived the longest with humans sometimes not even living past 20 years old...


Another year passed on Titan and I learned something new!

[A person on your planet, Titan, has learned how to craft the first long-range weapon by themselves! +15 HP]

I would gain even more HP for something new being learned or crafted without interfering!

This gave me yet another way to gain Heaven Points!

Although it's called a 'Long-range weapon' it really just a slingshot that would break apart after a few uses...

But it's a start, eventually, they will improve and make better weapons, it's inevitable because that's just how humanity is.

Humanity strives for wealth, dominance, and above all, power.

Look at the earth as an example, humans segregated themselves and formed different countries, humans kill countless other humans for something as simple as recourses or land on a yearly basis.

Sure, humanity has some good qualities, but they are just as bad as they are good.

Suddenly I got a new notification from the system.


Celestial Master: Osiris Vlander

Heaven Points: 405

Unlocked Heaven Abilities:

-> Heaven's Vision: Allows the user to see anything within their realm/domain

-> Thought Manifestation: This allows the user to project images, things, or even himself into the minds of any of the residents in your domain

-> Material Manifestation: This allows the user to manifest items, energy, or things throughout the worlds in your domain at the cost of HP

-> Insight: This allows the user to gain insight towards a being within your domain

Tasks: 1


'I have a new task?'

[That is correct, displaying Task now]


Task Location: Titan

Task Description: Create an item and a space that will provide a test for the item.

Requirements for completion: Creation of an Item (0/1) and the creation of a Hidden Realm (0/1)

Rewards for completion: 150 HP, Upgrade, , and


So many rewards along with such an interesting task!

I immediately got to work, this would be a fun couple of days!


Days passed on Titan and I finally completed my masterpiece!

Located on the side of a mountain what appears to be a cave entrance stood.

The cave entrance was huge and looked to be ancient with dozens of vines hanging on the cave wall and hanging from the cave ceiling.

Upon entering the cave and walking for two minutes someone would find that they stood in a large open clearing with what appears to be an old temple erected in the middle of the clearing.

But reaching the temple would be a challenge because dozen of wolf packs could be seen walking around the temple.

There were not only wolves there were also Venomous snakes hidden within crevices, various poisonous insects, and even some large carnivorous birds!

It was as if all the animals around the temple were united!

I examined my creation and smiled.

I created and placed this hidden realm and put it in a hot spot on the largest continent.

What I mean by hot spot was that there were many tribes and nomadic tribes traveling through the area with many traveling over the mountain meaning there were bound to be people passing by the hidden realm.

Now, all I had to do was wait.