
Xian Wu was surprised by the degree at which Lai Yiteng was the perfect student. He could learn quickly, even after being shown a stance just once. Within a matter of days he'd already learned the essence of what one needed in order to carry out Graceful Dragons Arts, what was left was to teach him the core methods of the easiest techniques. By no means would Lai Yiteng be a master, but by mastering one of the higher-level techniques, he would have a trump card to use against enemies.

Lotus Sect Master An should be mourning his losses since he let a prodigy like this slip away! Or that was what Xian Wu thought, for Lai Yiteng's progress was abnormally fast.

The forest they dwelled in was lush and peaceful. No travelers came by on the empty and forested mountainside, only by traveling down for over an hour to a village would Xian Wu find human contact. He usually relied on Bo Penglai to gather intel.

And the days passed smoothly.

By this point in time, Lai Yiteng had reached the state where he couldn't kick nor slap Xian Wu if he touched him during martial arts practice. What an accomplishment this was…

The only downer was Lai Yiteng's mood. Although Lai Yiteng didn't become particularly depressed by learning about the poison flowing through his veins, he only turned more focused on finding some way to get revenge on Lushang Sect within the next years. And Yu Wang that little shidi of his who twisted a sword in his stomach.

If his body could just hold out until then…

He'd always been talented. He could surely find a way to make them regret…

Or so he thought these days.

Before he knew it half a month had passed training with Xian Wu. The once full moon had shrunk in size each night, and the birdsong shifted as the season slowly began to turn into fall.

He'd become oddly used to the nonchalant presence of other man. The way he said words meekly but was really intent on getting his way, slyly, like a fox. Lai Yiteng, w, disliked that personality but he had to admit it'd grown on him as of late.

It was evening, at sunset.

The two were eating dinner within the confines of the house as per usual, and Xian Wu was making up idle chit-chat that Lai Yiteng for some reason went along with…sometimes.

"…so I bought her a hairpin with lilies as a present," said Xian Wu, "but she hated it. She said 'this thing is too dainty and worthless', and it was put in a drawer never to be seen again. Isn't that a little rude? I mean, if she didn't like it that's fine, but why tell it to my face?!"

Xian Wu was, in fact, complaining about Song Zhengxi. The only accessories she wanted, he found out, were more scarves and clothes to cover up her silver hair.

Actually, he'd been complaining to Yi'er about the people he was annoyed with or just happened to be irritated by at some point. Being a sect lead meant he couldn't always speak his heart, having to save face and all, and he was somewhere with the opportunity to spill the tea and dig up dirt.

After all, Lai Yiteng didn't know anyone at Graceful Dragon Sect, so Xian Wu could vent as much as he liked! Just another reason why he found the past time spent with Lai Yiteng somehow satisfying.

Ah, although he did have to watch is words a little since Bo Penglai, that little rascal, often listened in on the trees nearby.

Lai Yiteng had been thinking, and finally responded, "Isn't it better that she told you she hated such a gift? Then you won't buy the same thing for her and repeat your blunder."

"…well." Xian Wu propped his chin on a hand and frowned. "But did she have to reject it so cruelly?"

Lai Yiteng just shrugged. "What's the point of being polite? She just got the point across."

"Heh…I get it!" Xian Wu chuckled again, too amused by the younger's blunt responses. Yi'er didn't understand the nuances of socializing very well, he was trying to help enlighten him on top of teaching him more martial arts. "But, if you think about when you've given a present, wouldn't it bother you if your good wishes were rejected like that? If the person who was supposed to appreciate it, showed nothing but dislike?"

"That…" Lai Yiteng furrowed his brow. He was trying to remember similar situations. He wanted to retort to Xian Wu that such things didn't bother him. But…he hadn't actually given many gifts, nor received many.

Hardly any if he excluded those he received out of etiquette from the other martial arts masters at Lotus Sect. His mother had given him a carved dragon once, but he lost it long ago…

Then Lai Yiteng realized something.

Xian Wu had truly gone out of his way to help him learn Graceful Dragon Martial arts. He'd kept good on his words thus far. But, Lai Yiteng believed that what Xian Wu did for him was worth much more than how he saved his life some seven years ago.

Shouldn't he be getting Xian Wu a gift of some kind to repay him? Something lasting and of value. Something he would remember him for.

Xian Wu waved a hand in front of his face. "Yi'er~ Helloooo? Did you blank out again?"

Lai Yiteng's eyes snapped open wide. He opened his mouth, and asked curiously, "Gege, is there anything you want?"

"Huh? Something I want?"


Xian Wu narrowed his eyes in confusion, staring across the small table. As always, there was a look of complete seriousness on Lai Yiteng's face. "Why are you asking that so randomly?"

"It's not random. You mentioned giving a gift, and I realized that I should do the same for you."

"U-Uh what?" Xian Wu's eyes darted to a corner of the room.

A gift?! Why is Lai Yiteng saying it like that? Like this, Xian Wu couldn't help but think about all the silly things Bo Penglai said about 'getting more intimate'.

Lai Yiteng leaned over the table with a scary amount of intensity. "A gift. What do you want, gege? Tell me anything, I will find a way to get it."

He could give him all the money left in his pouch, his hat, his erhu, and it would not make up his debt, Lai Yiteng realized. He wanted something that seemed of near equal worth. To get it whatever Xian Wu wanted he would do anything as long as it didn't touch on his bottom line of morality. Surely, Lai Yiteng thought, before he died he could revenge Lushang Sect AND find a suitable gift for Xian Wu.

If he died after repaying Xian Wu, then he could die with fewer regrets. Win-win situation!

Xian Wu laced his fingers nervously as the intense and passionate stare of Lai Yiteng bearing down on him from across the table.

"S-So you want to give me something because…?"

"Gratitude, obviously!" snapped Lai Yitneg. "What else could it be?"

Xian Wu released a breath of air he didn't know he was holding in, then kindly spoke, "Yi'er, it's all right if you don't find me a fancy present. Alright? Or…how about the gift is you obediently coming back to Graceful Dragon Sect with me?"

Lai Yitneg had reached a point of apprehension. He could follow Xian Wu's suggestion, but the thought made his insides crawl with worry. He stood and paced the room, his light feet soundless. "That isn't a gift. It's something I could do that's worth no value. There must be something else."

Xian Wu leaned back in his seat and yawned. And so another one of Lai Yiteng's obsessions strikes. "Still, I would really appreciate if you went back to my sect with me…we can't live out here forever, you know?"

"…" Lai Yiteng scowled. But he liked living here. IF it weren't for XIan WU's power being greater than his, he'd tie him up in his rope and keep him here. This isn't the case, though...so Lai Yiteng was in deep thought before replying, "I will consider it. But what else do you want?"

Xian Wu's expression lit up. Lai Yiteng would finally consider going back to his sect! What this a miracle? He was not sure what had gotten into the younger today.

That being said, Xian Wu was pretty afraid of asking Lai Yiteng for a gift. It's not like Xian Wu wanted him to go out and steal a major treasure from another sect or do something crazy just to get him some expensive gift, which is sort of what Xian Wu was imaging would happen based on Lai Yiteng's words.

"Wow, it's sure getting late out…" Xian Wu drawled, hoping to change the subject. "So many fireflies outside."