Lai Yiteng had only just noticed the smudges himself. He paused a moment, his face expressionless, then replied, "It is not blood."
But if it wasn't blood, what should he say it is…? This was getting more and more difficult.
Xian Wu was even giving him a dubious expression. Fortunately, Lai Yiteng had posed as a female musician for a while, and even found a way to trick Gojun An of Lushang sect before killing him and escaping. Thus, he was decent enough at making up lies and putting on an act, that is, if he had to.
"I don't know what kind of smudge it is," he added offhandedly, giving a slight frown. "It must have been on Mildew when I picked the bird up."
Mildew was still cushioned within Lai Yiteng's other arm. He figured it made enough sense.
Indeed, Xian Wu raised an eyebrow and didn't think much of one slightly odd stain.
"That's good then," he said. "Where were we…ah, yes. Are you going to let me carry you over the sect wall or not?"