So you saw those...!!

Xian Wu felt oddly nervous when he returned to his room. He did not know why, but perhaps it was because of Lai Yiteng's slightly more 'friendly' attitude earlier. The younger's willingness to talk had been slightly…odd for him.

He tapped the door with a hand.

"Are you in there?" he asked. He'd gotten busy with a few other side conversations and side-tasks on his way here, so unfortunately he didn't come to ask about the creature Ke Mian had seen until now.

It had been an hour or so. 

However, Xian Wu was not too concerned about this. He believed that it would be near impossible to find such a small creature if it had run off into the forest, even if he had asked Lai Yiteng about it and gone looking right away. It could hide anywhere, in leaf litter or under a rock, and had the whole forest of rolling hills to roam in.

Lai Yiteng reacted to Xian Wu's knock faster than usual. There was the sound of furniture moving, and he opened the door.