Can't you sit still?!

No, Xian Wu didn't know what was in the box. How could he guess if he hadn't seen the inside or heard about it from anyone?

But he did notice Lai Yiteng eyeing it, unwilling to leave without it, and Bo Penglai also keeping his eyes on it with wariness. And Bo Penglai was rarely wary about things if he didn't have to be.

Thus, Xian Wu knew that whatever was in that box was going to be a surprise. He just hoped it wasn't a dead body or something. Lai Yiteng wouldn't have killed someone and stuffed their body into a box yet, right? He hoped not.

Plus, that kind of wood, reddish and well engraved into, that was without a doubt from his own room! Xian Wu did not know why Lai Yiteng had settled on stealing his items for dubious purposes.

He kept a steady grip on his arm as he pulled him back towards his sleeping quarters.

Bo Penglai trailed behind them, carrying heavy chest with slight unhappiness.