Lai Yiteng sipped a cup of jasmine tea in an empty room. There was only a bed without a sheet, a small square table with two chairs, and a chest in the corner. He was occupying one of them. He put the ceramic cup down after a moment and stared at his long fingernails, wondering why they would not stay short even if he trimmed them.
And he waited for Yu Wang to arrive.
It was near sunset. He did not think Yu Wang would agree to visit him during the night. The evening feast would begin soon, that wasteful and decadent affair, but it would draw away many people.
*About fifteen minutes later, there was a voice calling in at the door.
"This better be worth my time," said Yu Wang from outside. He opened the door and was staring at Lai Yiteng with a contemptuous expression. "Make this quick. I can give you money or answer your questions by letter, but I'm only going along with this since I can't have An He finding out about all this. Don't forget I have limits."