Loving you and only you (2)

Val's life has been a mess since her childhood. She was born from a prostitute mother and a drug addict father whom she had never met. There was always a question in her mind since her childhood. Why? Why can't I also have a normal and warm family who support me through thick and thins? Why am I born like this!? Why am I have to suffer? Why did you hurt me even though I don't do anything wrong? Why are you looking at me with those disgusting eyes? Why can't I eat until I'm full? Why am I have to starve? Why did I have to live in poverty? Why am I always suffering?

The young girl's mind only had questions and no answers. As she grows up, she comes to understand how life was so unfair to her. She can't stand it. She won't give up. Everyone will have to kneel down under her foot. Yes, she will make it happen. She promised herself.

The way she looks at people, the way she looks at society was dark. Whatever she sees, she only sees the ugliness of people, especially men. She hates them to the point of insanity. At her childhood, her mom always says men are the head. You can't defy their orders. She looks at her mom with confusion whenever she preaches her how men are this and that. She thought to herself. If men are this good, why haven't I seen my father before? Were they really deserve it?

Those men who always come and knock their door, she doesn't like them at all. Her mom looks at them with submissive eyes. The way those men look at her mother and her. She doesn't like it at all. She wanted to gouge out their eyes and torture them to death whenever she was being looked at like this.

As she grows older, she hates her father to death. Because of them, she had to live like this. Because of them, she was looked down upon. Because of them, she was being looked at by those disgusting people. She hates her fate for being so unfair to her.

There was only hatred in her eyes. There were only dark thoughts in her mind. There were only pain and suffering, untrust and all kinds of negative emotions in her heart. She wanted someone, anyone who would love and care for her. Only one. She only wants only one person who would love, and care to her. One is enough.

This year, she was already 24, she saw a girl who made her heart a mess. It was her first time feeling strange feelings. The feelings she had never felt before. It took a lot of time for her to understand her own heart. She falls in love with her. Yet, she didn't know she's in love. Cause she was never loved before. Living in slums, of course, good people can be counted with one hand. In the slums, the weak dies and strong only survive. No one was sympathetic to others.

She falls in love and at the same time, she felt the strong possessiveness toward the girl. Only she can have her. Because she had never been in love and never been loved before when she falls in love, she felt the strong feeling of obsession and infatuation.


Faustina looked at the woman who was staring at her with so much craze with borderline insanity and didn't know what to do at all. The woman was walking step by step toward her with increasing madness in her eyes. If she hasn't read the novel before and didn't have a strong mind, she might have cried at the spot. That woman was scary even though she was very beautiful.

The woman stands in front of her with fixed eyes on her. Her hands are shaking a bit due to excitement? Every passing second, this villainess was hard to comprehend more and more. With wet clothes, her curvy body was even more seductive. With those crazy eyes, her original beauty was even more enhanced. Overall, she gives ten in ten for being beautiful. Those are her thoughts in her mind of course. She would never let people see her original self at all.

The confused eyes of the sweet girl turned curious as the woman comes closer and closer to her. Her eyes look innocent in contrast to those dark eyes. She put down the mug on the table waiting for the woman to talk. However, the woman suddenly comes closer to the point that she feels the woman's warm breath. She was caught off guard and her body turned stiff not understanding the intention the woman has on her.

The woman tightly holds her for a long time as the time ticks away. The woman sighs in relief as she holds the girl in her arms. Her heart feels secured that the girl was in her arms. Such a precious thing, she must protect. The insecurity slowly disappears as the happiness drowns her so much so that she felt like she was drunk.

After that, the woman stares at the girl in her arms as her warm breath tickles the girl's face. The faces are inches away as the girl's face turned red due to being too close. The woman was a puzzle to the girl. Without giving the girl a chance to think it through, Val kisses the girl on her lips out of impulse.

Val felt like time stops when her lips touch Faustina's soft and sweet lips. The heat in her heart intensified as she felt the softness of the girl's lips. She could only focus on how soft the girl's lips felt against her mouth. Val's kiss turns fiery and fervent as her tongue invaded the girl's mouth. Her raw emotions were shown as the kiss feels even more demanding Nd desperate. Her arms at the back of the girl's small frame holding the weak girl's body.

Faustina was indeed surprised by the sudden hungry kiss of the lady in front of her. As she felt the woman's lips, she found the kiss fierce and thrilling. She felt her heartbeat raises as the kiss turns more heated and scorching. The wet and cold touch of the woman with the contrast of her burning and hungry kiss turns her on. Her face turned even more flushed and flustered and heat rose from her stomach to her chest as the kiss goes on. This burning, hungry and rough kiss... She thinks she will never forget it in her life.

Faustina was lost in this hypnotic kiss and forget to resist. When she remembers that it was her first time seeing the woman and that she has unknown intentions, she was already out of breath from the kiss and her eyes turned hazy.

When she was about to deny the kiss, the woman already part from her lips. The lingering heat and roughness make her feel helpless to the fact that she might have fallen for the woman's body due to the kiss.