The Owl Bleeds.

Something had always been bugging Alvin after what happened in the woods. "No matter how much I've tried.. I just can't seem to forget about what happened.." said Alvin. As he waited for the Sun to rise, he thought back on what Howler said. Suddenly someone called out: "Did you not get any sleep last night..?" it was Mimi. Alvin said good morning to her and continued thinking about Howler. He was determined to kill that creature.

The three of them agreed to kill the creature so that it will not wreck havoc upon the neighborhood. "But how..?" Mimi asked. They paused for a moment. Then Alvin replied: "With the brains of Jack and brute force." Suddenly, they heard something drop from the roof of Alvin's house. "What was that?" said Jack. They went outside to check it out. What they saw was horrendous.

It was the body of a man. Mangled. His limbs twisted, guts turned inside-out. The face of the man was crushed. His skull was shattered, with small chunks of what seemed like the brain of the man scattered around. It was terrifying. Alvin noticed the feather on the body, it had a note attached to it. Probably written with the blood of that man.

[The Note]

"Let's assume that this is you, Alvin. You saw what happened to that man. I will make you suffer just like him. I'll make you scream like a little toddler. Thinking of hunting me down..? Good luck with that. I will tear you and your friends apart, slowly feast on them and make you watch. You'll cry 'Stop!'. But that won't work. You will perish, suffer for eternity in Hell. DIE."

"Well someone's mad." Alvin said. They chuckled a little. "But really though... We have to deal with Howler soon. Don't want him to kill anymore innocents." said Jack. Alvin looked at the feather, glanced over at the hunting rifle. He sighed. "I'll end him myself. It's too dangerous for ya'll. I don't want to risk losing both of you. I'll do it.." Alvin said with full confidence. "A-ARE YOU CRAZY!? YOU'LL DIE! YOU'VE SEEN WHAT HE DID TO THAT MAN! W-WHAT ABOUT MIMI?! DO YOU WANNA HURT HER FEELINGS?!" Jack shouted. There was silence.

Alvin sighed again. "It's fine if I died. It'll be better this way. He wants me, not you two. I can't afford losing the both of you... I'm sorry Mimi.. I have to do this." Alvin said with tears rolling down his face. Mimi also teared up. "I-I don't support you d-doing this... B-But.. I-I won't s-stop you.... Please just.. C-Come back alive.." said Mimi with a trembling voice. Alvin grabbed the hunting rifle, his father's axe and headed out. He also grabbed a few of Howler's feathers just in case. "I promise I'll return in one piece."

Alvin returned to the woods. He heard rustling sounds coming from the bushes. He turned and said: "I know you're there. Come out, coward." Howler then flew out of the bushes and slashed Alvin's left knee with his wings. "Try to keep up, kid." said Howler as he sped through the woods. Alvin ran towards the owl with the rifle on his back and the axe in his hands. Finally, he caught up with the owl. There he was, standing on top of an abandoned church. He announced: "Welcome... To my home."

Alvin grinned. "This is where I'll end your life? In this church?" he said. Howler immediately responded with: "You think you can kill me? You really think you can kill me with your weapons?" Alvin took a step back and looked directly at Howler. "You think that I can't kill you?" he said proudly. Howler was angered. "You're just a human. You'll never be able to take me down, even if you try." said Howler as he flapped his wings in rage. Alvin walked into the church. He was shocked. At the end of the church sat two people. His friends Rhys and Ian. Covered in blindfolds and chained up.

"What are you going to do to them..?" Alvin asked. Howler jumped down and stared at Alvin. "I don't know... Kill them if I feel like it." said Howler in a deep voice. Alvin was furious at this point. He knew needed to make the owl bleed. "Come at me." said Alvin. Howler rushed himself at Alvin. He had his vision locked onto Alvin the whole time that he never realized Alvin had two of his feathers in one of his hands. Howler lunged forward and Alvin jabbed the feathers into Howler's throat. "ARGH!" cried Howler. He flew up and coughed. "You see, your feathers are quite sharp. I just wanted to return your feathers back to you." said Alvin while smirking.

Howler swooped down and swung his wings at Alvin, hoping to cut him with his feathers. Some of the feathers scratched Alvin on the arm and near his face. But that did not stop him from attacking back. Just as Howler came back for another strike, Alvin ducked and lifted his axe up. Everything lined up according to plan and Howler's left wing was injured by the axe. Howler trembled down and screamed in pain. Alvin walked towards Howler and swung his axe down at Howler's liver. Howler spat out blood. "Who's bleeding now?" Alvin asked. He left the axe inside the liver and moved his hands back. Taking out the rifle. He primed the rifle and aimed at Howler's head.

"Sayonara." Alvin said. Using Japanese to trigger some sweet memories. "I know you have Nightmare's memories too. Or maybe he can see everything through your eyes.." Alvin said and laughed. Just as he pulled the trigger, Howler used his wings and ejected himself off the barrel of the rifle and the bullet hit his throat instead of straight in his skull. It was at this moment, Alvin felt a jolt of pain in his leg. He looked down, just to realized that it has been sliced open. Huge cuts all over his legs. He kneeled down in pain. "Damn.. That stupid owl got me." he said. Alvin looked at Howler with the intention to kill. The final battle between the two of them has begun.