Magic of the Ancients and Their Story...

Lai Ming looked through the new treasures he collected from the demon beast bear's cave. The first thing he did was to refine the rusty sword which became shining and brand new the moment he refined it. From the history of the sword, it was known as the heaven defying sword, it allowed its user to fight two level above its strength. And the sword can cut anything, even space and time. Unfortunately the owner is dead now and all the owner's knowledge of sword techniques lie in the sword now. The sword can even cut through barriers like tofu without any effort.

Then Lai Ming refined the cauldron the size of his thumb, once refined, the cauldron became a huge cauldron. It was heaven's No.1 cauldron. If you say this magic cauldron is a No.2 cauldron then there will be no No.1 magic cauldron in existence. This magic cauldron allows its user to pass through barriers without breaking it. The cauldron itself can refine level 1 to level 3 magic pills without any skill. And the cauldron is known for its ultimate defence. Other than that the cauldron can be used in a fight to capture cultivators and refine them into medicine. This magic cauldron was also a heaven defying treasure.

Finally the last item which Lai Ming needs to look into was the black pearl that entered his forehead. Lai Ming knew that whatever treasure it was, it was probably the best treasures left behind by these dead ancient cultivators. Lai Ming entered his mind and he appeared in the space of the black pearl. The black called out to Lai Ming as it's master. It began to tell Lai Ming the story of its previous master and its creator.

The owner of the black pearl was the strongest and most powerful cultivator in a realm that was a few levels above Tong Tian Continent. This owner reign supreme and he used the best time and space treasure to create this black pearl. Then this supreme most powerful cultivator fell in love with a beautiful female cultivator. Her beauty was so great, it wasn't just him that fell in love with this beautiful female cultivator, six other cultivators that were the best in their field also fell in love with this cultivator. These six were the god of the forge and weapons, the god of medicine and pills, the god of lies, the god of refinement, the god of the sword and the god of wealth. Together with him, the god of time and space also known as the god of all the other gods, they decided to help this beautiful female cultivator known as the goddess of beauty.

You see this beautiful female goddess had an enemy. An enemy so powerful, she had to seek help from the seven of them, she promised them that once this was over she would choose one of them to be their cultivation partner. All seven of them agreed. Unfortunately for them they did not know that their enemy and the great enemy of the goddess of beauty was the goddess of death. The goddess of death was also a female cultivator that cultivated death. The reason she was obsessed with death was that she loved her dead brother, the god of light, also a Male cultivator. This Male god of light in the past fell in love with the goddess of beauty and fought with the god of war. The Male god of light defended the beautiful female goddess of beauty and was killed by the god of war that wanted to ravish the goddess of beauty. Before the god of war could ravish the goddess of beauty, the goddess of death came and killed the god of war with a flick of her finger.

The goddess of death became obsessed in resurrecting her dead brother the god of light. She blamed the beautiful goddess of beauty for the death of her brother. As the goddess of death failed again and again in resurrecting her brother, she took a last gamble. No, she did not succeed in resurrecting her brother but she did become the most powerful entity in existence. The goddess of death also became insane. She now blamed the goddess of beauty for her brother's death, she called it karma. And no one can escape from it, the goddess of death said that the beautiful goddess of beauty needed to die by her hands. When the goddess of beauty other god like suitors tried to stop her, they were all easily killed by the goddess of death.

It was then through desperation that the goddess of beauty proposed to the 7 strongest god in existence that if she survived this, she would become one of these cultivators wife and lover. All 7 of these supreme god agreed. However little did they know that the goddess of death was stronger than all 8 of them put together. Through their joint effort, all 8 of them used all of their powers and managed to kill the goddess of death. Unfortunately for them the goddess of death before dying used all her powers and killed all 8 of them. Their bodies with their treasures fell into the lower realm with a few of their disciples. And their treasures fell with them ending up in the forbidden forest in Tian Xian Sect. As for the goddess of death she did not have any treasures, her body too fell together with these 8 supreme god and goddess. Forever their death unknown until today, you sir my new master have heard of their sad tale.

Lai Ming upon hearing this story was horrified, "Was Tong Tian Continent considered to be a lower realm to these gods ?", Lai Ming asked the black pearl. The black pearl answered,"Yes !".

To be continued...