"One... two... three... one... two... three... a million... is that number right?" a figureless voice echoed.
"Hello? Who's there?" Caliope asked, focusing on that voice.
"One... two... who? A million... a billion... no, it's more... a legion..."
Silence. She had seen too many horror movies and heard too many stories about that single word to overpass its meaning. The voice went quiet, yet she was still unable to see where it came from. She rubbed her eyes and all she could see around her was a thick path in a jungle-like scene. She didn't remember how she got there, but she knew it was for something important. Her eyes focused on the far end of the path and all she could see were more trees. She turned to the opposite side and found just the same.
"One... two... billions... but always back at one..." the voice resumed it's counting.
"Where are you? Who are you?"