Vanessa screamed "Baby! I was so worried about you!"
She ran towards Caliope, who was resting on her bed, then Pronab held her and stopped her just a few inches of reach. She was caught by surprise, and looked at him a little shocked.
"Hold on please... and let her speak..."
"Let me go..."
"Nessa... is not safe... for now please... he is just trying to protect you..."
Vanessa looked back at her then at Pronab once more, she nodded and once Pronab released her she sat next to her on the bed, locking her fingers together on her lap.
"Thank you..."
"Ok... what is going on? What happened? Are you ok?"
"I am... I am very well... I just... remember when I told you that I would become something else after this ceremony...? It apparently changed some things in me..."
"Those powers you were talking about... you can harm me?"