Chapter 60: "Thoughts come to Action"

"I will never get used to so much light and... well, nothing? Whatever this is..." Vanessa said after she released a sigh. She and Caliope were holding hands as Angelus took a look around them.

"I can help a little with that, I guess." Angelus said and he tilted his head up, closing his eyes and spreading his arms. A large dark bubble surrounded them and in contrast with the white place, now it was darkness around them; enough to make the space opaque.

Vanessa smiled at him. "Thank you, it is less eary this way."

Caliope sat on what would be the floor and sighed, Vanessa sat next to her and put her arm around her friend, holding silent. Angelus watched them both for a moment then looked away. "I know you want to be with him, with them... I want to be with them too... but if the other guys want to use you against them, maybe is not that bad that you are away?" Vanessa said.